Anyone considering hosting a KR Gathering needs to consider the 
following items.  Some are requirements and some just make for a better event.

- The desire to act as host for up to 150 people from all points of 
the country and possible international visitors.
- Ability to plan and organize multiple functions for a large group, 
i.e. housing, meals, meetings, awards, banquet, merchandise sales, etc.
- Complete co-operation and support of the local airport and the community.
- Facilities: airport with multiple runways would be nice, not 
required, non towered airport preferred, hangar facilities for KR's a plus,
ramp area large enough to handle KR's and visitors, terminal with 
restrooms and meeting rooms, restaurant on field a big plus, camping on airport
a major plus.

Not every airport is "ideal" for a Gathering but many airports are 
adequate. Your desire to host can overcome other facility shortcomings.

Finally, I was lucky to have $1800 passed along from Steve and Linda 
Bennett so I had no out of pocket expenses the first year I 
hosted.  With the support
of the KR community we grew the financial account to $5000 over the 
nine years at Mt.Vernon.  $4000 of that was passed to Steve for last 
years Gathering
and the last $1000 went to Dan for this years Gathering.  I've not 
seen a report on last years Gathering and, not knowing how successful 
this years event will
be, there may or may not be up front money to support the 
event.  Consider the possibility of needing up front money for hats / 
shirts, banquet facilities, and
the like.

None of this should discourage anyone from wanting to host a 
Gathering if you have the desire and adequate facilities.  The KR 
crowd can have a good time anywhere
as long as their basic needs are met.


Larry Flesner
9 year Mt.Vernon, Illinois Gathering host

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