On the advice of my Chapter Tech Counselor I put a throttle stop on my 
throttle control.  The WOT stop is the full travel of the knob at the 
instrument panel.  The idle stop is a "B" nut on the control cable wire 
where the wire emerges from the sheath at the carburetor.  The "B" nut will 
not allow the throttle control wire to retract past the idle point.  The 
bell crank arm on the butterfly shaft has two springs that actually hold the 
shaft against the stops on the carb.  The springs keep the bell crank arm 
tracking the butterfly shaft during operation between idle and WOT.  The 
pressures on the carb butterfly shaft stops are limited by the tension of 
these two springs.  Now there is minimal chance of breaking the butterfly 
shaft or the stops on the carb with ham-fisted operations in the excitement 
of the moment.  Plus I have a much smoother and more positive feel on the 
throttle that I did not have before.

With all the mods (cg change, new gear legs, new trim control, unbalanced 
elevator, new throttle, new oil cooler and ballast weights) I am treating 
the next flight as a first flight.  Relocating the flap handle or perhaps an 
electric actuator is still on the "to do" list.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

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