The prior KR Gathering web site isn't available any more. I volunteered to
get something running.  You'll notice what we have again is the web site
that Bob Lee created and Sheryl passed to Mark Langford. Until Mark gets the link repointed, you can see the 2015 KR Gathering @ MMV pages

I have most of the 2015 Gathering web pages ready;

.         The Home, Airport Info, Lodging, Schedule, Contacts & Cash Flow
pages are updated

.         The Prior Gathering photos are available again. Thanks to those
that said they were having a problem. It was on this end.

.         Marc Bacca & Greg Skidgel sent photos from 2014 and I'll build a
photo page for Chino that is missing in action. Thanks guys!

.         Steve Glover said he'd get to the Cash Flow numbers soon

Please note: we lost our current list of attendees. As soon as I get the
Registration page working (hopefully tomorrow) I'll let you know you can
sign up again. Sorry about that. Going forward I'll update the roster at
least weekly.  

If you have any constructive comments, please address them to me at
kr2s at Thanks for your patience guys!

John Bouyea

N5391M/ KR2

OR81/ Hillsboro, OR

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