Are all/some of these articles available someplace????
I'd particularly like to see the Kitplanes 1993, the digital archives only go 
back to 2004, and when I searched found this excerpt from another list:
The article in March 1993 is about the KR1 and KR 1 1/2, which werepositively 
reviewed.  High points:  mechanical brakes are marginal.  Fixed gear is faster 
by 3 mph.
Low cost of building was noted by all- $1500 !! to $10,000 for the turbocharged
best quote of article : "The KR1 is not a plane for the neophyte or low-time
pilot.  Get some dual in a KR-2 with an experienced pilot, fly often enough
to maintain proficiency and install hydraulic brakes.But if you're wanting to 
build a KR-2, you're wanting the May, 1993 issue of
Kitplanes, page 38ff.  
The KR-2S is the newest, improved version, with tri or conventional gear,
Builder      Cost   Time to build  Engine
Dan Diehl  $4300  1600 hrs 2180cc VW
Robert Muse $2874+engine ??hrs 2100cc VW
David Carroll $6500+engine 2200hrs 2100cc VW  160mph
Jim Faughn $14000 1200hrs 2180P Great Planes, 160mph cruise
G.L. Robinson $3500+engine 1000hrs Continental-90 175 mph cruise
Richard Lind $7000+engine ???hrs 2100-D Revmaster 145 knots cruise
Michael Ladigo $4500 3000hrs 1835cc VW 130mph cruise, 160mph top
Steve Makish $9000 1800hrs 2600cc Porsche 160-165mph cruise
George Toth $8500 1700hrs 75hp 2100D Revmaster 170mph on 3.5gphToth's was 
converted to tricycle gear.Hope this is enough.  If you have more specific 
questions you want to
ask, I'd be happy to do more summarizing.
> Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 15:44:41 -0700
> To: laser147 at; krnet at
> Subject: Re: KR> KR Article
> From: krnet at
>  So not much !
> ------------------------------
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 2:56 PM PDT Mike Stirewalt via KRnet wrote:
> >Sparky let me go through his library of KR magazine articles a few years
> >ago and I scanned them all.  The KR has been written about a lot over the
> >years.  This is by no means a comprehensive list.  
> >Probably the best and most current coverage of the KR is the Sport
> >Aviation issue of December 2006.  Bill Clapp's KR is on the cover but
> >Greg Laslo's very well done 8-page article with abundant photos is mostly
> >about Mark's very successful contributions in creating "A Collaborative
> >KR Community" - the title on the cover of this issue.  It does a good job
> >of touching upon the improvements and innovations that have evolved over
> >the years.      
> >Air Progress March 1974 Ken Rand flying KR-1 on cover with 6-page article
> >inside. 
> >Hot Kits and Homebuilts March 1989 Otto Glidewell Multi-page article on
> >Rand Robinson featuring K-100 and two or three pictures of my plane, Ken
> >Cottle's KR-1?
> >Kitplanes, March 1993.  Several page article by Don Downie.  Interviews
> >with builders Ken Cottle, Jim Evans, Sam Bailey, Richard Shirley, Tom
> >Bagnetto.  Jim Evans, WWII P-51 and P-47 pilot, regularly flew his
> >turbocharged Revmaster KR-1 at 22,000 ft.  He said in the article he
> >could go higher.      
> >Kitplanes March 1998 Dick Stark multi-page coverage of KR Gathering
> >Perry, OK. 
> >Kitplanes November 1988 Patrick O'Leary - coverage of Sam Bailey's KR-1's
> >and his aerobatic routines
> >Sport Aviation 1980 Don Dwiggens coverage of KR-1B motorglider and
> >picture of Richard Shirley's KR-1 and Steve Bennett's KR-1 at a fly-in
> >somewhere around the LA Basin. 
> >Sport Aviation February 1990 Multi-page article featuring KR-1 built by
> >Richard Kunc and written by him.
> >Sport Aviation February 1999 by Jack Cox Multi-page article featuring
> >KR-2 built by Tom Crawford
> >Sport Aviation March 2005 by Jack Cox Multi-page article featuring KR-2
> >built by Steve Jones
> >Sport Aviation July 1980 Two page article on Dan Diehl with pictures of
> >N4DD and also Steve Bennett's KR-1 N31123
> >Sport Aviation August 1980 4-page article by Jack Cox covering Randy
> >Hebron's KR-1 with full span flaps, spoilers (no ailerons), updraft
> >cooling, etc.
> >Sport Aviation August 1982 by Jack Cox, three page article with pictures
> >of Brian Henneman's KR-2
> >Sport Aviation April 1976 2-page article by Ken Rand with pictures
> >covering his turbocharged KR-2
> >Sport Aviation September 1984 3-page article with pictures by Donald
> >Moore on his KR-2
> >Sportsman Pilot Winter 1997 Cover Story, 6-page article with pictures of
> >David Christenswn's KR-2.
> >Sport Pilot January 1988, Cover story, 5-page with pictures feature
> >article by Manuel "Sparky" Sparks on his KR-2 N122MS 
> >Sport Flying, June 1979 Article by Bruce Treadway on Ken Rand's crash
> >with picture of N4KR
> >*************
> >I've got a multi-page article by the ubiquitous Jack Cox (or could it
> >have been Bill Cox?) with Sparky's original KR N122MS on the cover, but
> >can't find it just now. Sparky has quite a story to tell about that
> >flight - Cox was in the left seat and couldn't land the plane so they
> >somehow had to switch seats in flight.  I think the reason was that there
> >were rudder pedals only on the left. Can anyone imagine switching seats
> >in a KR in flight?  Somehow they did it. 
> >
> >Mike 
> >

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