I got a nice email back from Paul Dye inviting me to send him something more along the lines of how to make building easier, what doesn't work, which mods make the most sense, and making it a more efficient plane...that sort of thing. He likes to leave flight reports up to people with no "dog in the fight", and he's proven that by flying the Panther first-hand himself.
I'm good at highlighting the mods, and the new airfoil will certainly be in the mix, so I'll just try to condense my webinar and other things I've done into an article that won't take up the whole issue. It'll basically be "KR common knowledge" gained over the years from the experience of those who came before us. He seemed quite open to printing a KR story, saying "The KR is a neat, compact, fighter-looking airplane that gets people interested. We haven't covered it enough". Mark Langford ML at N56ML.com http://www.n56ml.com