One other price, in 1989 bought a Grumman AA1B with a zero-hours Mattituck 
engine and a fresh annual for $8500. It needed radios and was maybe a 7/10 
cosmetically but it was solid and a great plane. Bought it with a partner and 
he was an IFR multi guy (went on to fly for the majors) and insisted on all new 
IFR panel, using Terra radios (doh!). I wish I'd done my IFR rating when I had 
the chance as he was an CFII. But too busy enjoying the bird to do that. After 
a year we hit an expensive annual and sold it. That's when I started looking at 
experimentals because all I do is rec flying anyway and would prefer to do my 
own maint and have some freedom to make modifications and changes.
BTW AVGAS was about $1.95/gal and I thought that was outrageous, so we got the 
autofuel STC and I flew on $1.25 premium autofuel whenever possible. (No 
ethanol at the time)

> From: krnet at
> Paul Visk said; I paid $32 wet at an Air Force Base aero club up in Alaska. 
> Back in 1983
>  Back in the 50's, the Air force aero clubs were owned and operated by the 
> club members. When the Air Force took over management, they decided that 
> they had to make a profit to help pay for other rec. programs, and the 
> prices went way up. I bought a 7AC champ in 58 along with a couple of other 
> guys and we did a lease arrangement with the aero club and paid $5.00 per 
> hour wet, (all prices were wet), and then at the end of the month we 
> received a $3.00 per hour rebate. The Champ cost us $1200.00.
>    By the way, Paul, I did 9 months of radio repair school at Scott AFB. 
> Spent a lot of time in Belleview..

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