> "I know Marty Roberts tested his 760 pound empty KR to 6 G's on his G meter. The forces were great enough to cause his baggage compartment to tear loose and limit the travel of the elevator cables. It came very close to being fatal."
A similar failure, this time seat, actually killed two occupants at a KR get-together - if I recall that correctly. Sparky witnessed it and told me about it so maybe he'll chime in with the facts. Somebody taking someone for a ride & doing a high-speed, high-G pass & suddenly their weight came down on the cables. Seats, baggage area structure and tail sections fail before the main spar with super high-G's with KR's. Getting caught in a thunderstorm could do it if one was unlucky. Scott Crossfield in a T-210 with struts lost it going through a severe cell. I could see a really severe T-storm shear putting one's head into the canopy enough to break it and/or the seat structure, especially an older sling seat. Gotta really slow down if one stumbles into something like that. Mike KSEE ____________________________________________________________ Buffett???s Nightmare Warren Buffett admits this is a ???real threat??? http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/54ee4a674e204a66318dst03vuc