I hope more folks chime in on this. I wills ave this topic aside for when I 
make my build. So far, it looks like horizaontal stabilizer incidence angle, 
and size of tail are to be considered. I want neutral trim at all speeds from 
60mph to 200 (if my build is non-LSA spec)

> Yep.  As built, mine pitched down rather badly.  I had wedges bonded to the 
> bottom of the elevator to fix the trim for several years until I finally cut 
> the horizontal stab and elevator off to build a much larger tail to address 
> the pitch instability that was also designed into the plane.  I adjusted the 
> incidence by 1? when I built the new tail.  The trim is now flush with the 
> elevator at normal cruise speeds.
> My wing is also set up with 3 1/2? incidence and 3? washout, although with a 
> bit longer wing than Larry's.
> -Jeff Scott
> Los Alamos, NM

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