When I applied for an airworthiness inspection and certificate three years 
ago, I stated on the application that the aircraft was going to be operated 
VFR and both day and night.  As a result the FAA Washington FSDO required me 
to install a mechanical ASI and a mechanical wet compass.  That is in 
addition to the Dynon and all the other non-TSO electronic instruments.  The 
fuel gauges and fuel pressure are aftermarket truck units.  None of my 
instruments are TSO certified.  Also as a result for night VFR operation I 
had to install either a rotating red flashing beacon or a strobe system and 
position navigation lights that all met the TSO functionality, but did not 
have to be TSO certified.  I chose the Whelan non-TSO integrated strobe 
system.  Yes, the FSDO inspector looked for and checked off all those items 
on his inspection check list form.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

Hi kr friends,
Wat is the standard in your country's. And what kind of instrument did you 
install in your kr-2. Tso Or not. Saves a lot of money.
Greats Stef
Steph and his dad are building the KR-2S     see 

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