Couple things, I have a Jab 2200 on my current plane (Avid Mk4). I was thinking
of selling the avid and purchasing everything needed to build a KR1 with the
proceeds. One of my EAA buddies remarked "no one builds those anymore". To me,
that means nothing. The KR has great looks, performance, and ease-of-build. I
found a page somewhere that had numerous single seat planes that were
supposedly "better", but none looked as good, or had the features.
I believe that a KR1 with the 85HP Jab and the Diehl wing skins at full length,
would cruise far and climb fast, and stall slow enough to be LSA. The Jab
weighs 140LBS, which I believe is less than a Revmaster type VW and prob about
the same as a minimal VW engine.
I wonder what engines have been used on the KR1 though. It seems there are so
many more KR2's, for example youtube has almost no KR1 vids, which is too bad...
It also would be great to know if any KR1's are flying with the Diehl wing
skins not cut down, and what the climb and stall speeds are.
One other thing I wonder about is how well they recover from a spin. (If thats
an issue I'd just put a BRS on it, or wear my emerg chute)