At 03:29 PM 1/13/2015, you wrote: >You shouldn't need a belly board if installing spoilers. The >spoilers will definitely stop any floating +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Spoilers are used primarily on gliders to kill excess lift in order to steepen the approach to landing and also on large commercial aircraft to kill lift after touchdown to transfer the weight to the landing gear. The KR is not a design that call for spoilers. The only shortfall, if you can consider it a shortfall, is the need for deployable drag in the landing approach. It is a very slick design that makes speed control in landing a bit tricky. It will also float after the flare if too much speed is carried on the approach. Effective flaps or a speed brake are both proven solutions to speed control on landings. The speed brake is probably the simplest to build but effective flaps may offer other benefits beyond simply adding drag. If you're building to fly, go with what's proven. If you want to experiment and try new things, go for it............. Larry Flesner