I'm getting back to the group with what I've learned on this topic. 

I've ordered and received new tires from an eBay seller called Mike the
Tire Geek.  I'll post at the bottom what he said in response to my
question about the differences between 4.10/3.50/5, 11/4.0/5 and 5 x 5. 
It's not a comprehensive answer by any means but does confirm what I've
suspected since I started this quest to understand small tire coding -
that is, tires with the same codes stamped on the sides will vary in
size, sometimes drastically, depending on who made the tire.  The
rim/wheel size is the only constant.  

It's been easier all along to find tires coded 11/4.0/5 but I've only
searched for 4.10/3.50/5 tires since that was the tire size on the plane
when I got it (2006).  The 11 is outside tire diameter, 4.0 is the tire
at it's widest point between the bead and outside tread diameter.  

I'm still wanting to know for sure what the 4.10 and 3.50 represent in my
chosen tires.  Tire diameter on tires marked with this system are about
12 inches (both under and over, depending on who made the tire) and width
is about 4 inches at widest point . . . so this is still an open question
in my mind.

Mark just ordered Cheng Shins 11/4.0/5 from an eBay seller and his are 10
inches in diameter and 4 inches in width.  Ribbed tread.

I went ahead and ordered some new tires and tubes from Mike the Tire
Geek.  The tubes and tires are branded Deli.  Just plain Deli as in
buying a sandwich at the deli.  In all my KR tire searching over the
years I've never come across this brand until now, but the company's
motto is "Engineering rubber since 1956."  The factory is in Indonesia. 
The tires and tubes look very, very nice.  They cost $20 apiece with free
shipping.  Tubes were 2 for $15, also free shipping.  4 ply rating @ 50
lbs PSI.  Coded 4.10/3.50/5, they are 11.7 inches in diameter and about 4
inches in width at widest point but won't know this for sure until I
mount them.  I'm going to put them on the plane and use the new Cheng
Shins I recently put on as back-ups.  I want to see how well these guys
wear.  They look great, for whatever looks are worth.  Sawtooth tread.  
I'll attach a picture.

>From Mike the Tire Geek:

"The tubes and tires you ordered are Deli..As far as the 5" sizing the
11x4.00-5 is somewhat smaller than the 4.10-3.50-5..How smaller depends
on the manufacturer, as tire spec sizing can differ from each
manufacturer meaning you can take the same size tire from 2 different
manufacturers and put them side by side and most likely a difference will
be noticed..As far as the 5 x 5 you mentioned..thats a new one on me..
Thank you for your business,,Mike The Tire Geek"

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