The idea of differential control having a side advantage of reducing the  
chance of stall is nonsense to me.  Lets say we are flying along checking  
out something on the ground and are in a moderately steep bank of maybe 30  de
grees and allow the airplane to get somewhat slow.  It would seem  if the 
pilot would slam in full deflection that the differential would  actually 
cause a stall of the already slower traveling wing on the inside  of the turn.  

Now I realize if the airplane didn't have differential control and the turn 
 didn't stay coordinated that the nose of the airplane would blank out part 
of  the wing and possibly causing a stall.  Differential aileron helps an  
airplane fly easier (less pilot attention) due to not having to use  two 
separate controls to keep flying coordinated.  However I am  just not grasping 
the idea of it "reducing the tendency for the wing to stall"  part.  Am I 

Kevin Golden
Harrisonville, MO

Differential aileron  deflection


Illustration  of a Differential aileron

The geometry of most aileron linkages can be  configured so as to bias the
travel further upward than downward. By  excessively deflecting the upward
aileron, profile drag is increased rather  than reduced and separation  drag
<>  further  aids in producing
drag on the inside wing, producing a yaw force in the  direction of the 
Though not as efficient as rudder mixing, aileron  differential is very easy
to implement on almost any airplane and offers the  significant advantage of
reducing the tendency for the wing to  stall
<>  at the tip  first by
limiting the downward aileron deflection and its associated  effective
increase in angle of attack.

Most airplanes use this method  of adverse yaw mitigation due to the simple
implementation and safety  benefits.

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