Jeff said, 
> " . . . not many pilots are going to be willing to pull the hinge pins
> look at the engine regularly before flight."
> I don't think anybody does that anymore. 
> Mike

Thank you Mike.  You make a great straight man.  


What?  I was cereal!  How often do we examine our car/bike engines before
we drive somewhere?

Cereally, some engines are more touchy about (aboot if Canadian) this
than others.  My GP 2180 is an easygoing German/Brazilian/American engine
that doesn't mind being looked at a lot but some others can become
resentful and interpret being checked before every flight as an
indication that the pilot suspects they're not trustworthy.  I know it's
not PC to label the various engines as all being this way or that way,
but it's widely known that the engines from Austria (R****), some models
in particular, can get quite touchy. Also the J***** from down under has
a reputation for causing trouble when they think they are under
suspicion.  I realize each engine is an individual and have their own
personalities so I'm not stereotyping . . . just pointing out that some
engines, especially the sometimes overly-sensitive immigrant ones, will
behave better if they feel they are trusted and not given the third
degree every time we go somewhere with them.     


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