"Pierre" wrote

> Whoa!!! Was this neccesary? Steve, do you think it is really unfair or
> unreasonable that somebody ordered, paid and kept his side of the bargain
> and for 21 days he gets no response?

I'm guessing that about one more comment like this is going to be all it 
takes for Steve Glover to say to himself "Why the hell am I doing this?  I 
have 12 jobs going in my "real" day job as a contractor, I'm spending what 
spare time (NOT) that I have on organizing the Gathering, and I keep getting 
beat up over shipping plans that I have no control over, and people expect 
me to have everything from wing skins to control sticks in stock, crated up, 
and ready to ship tomorrow!".

This is not Van's Aircraft we are dealing with.  Rand Robinson essentially 
closed their doors many years ago, and if you want to see a total lack of 
service, consider that paradigm...communications was essentially one way via 
fax machine!  Delivery of plans well into the months was the norm.  We had 
to assure overseas customers to "Trust us...put a money order (credit cards 
not accepted) in the mail (including shipping cost, which was a total 
guess), and address it to Rand Robinson with all necessary information to 
register the plane, and wait a few months...the plans will come out of the 
blue some day!!"  Almost all parts were either non-existent or built by 
do-gooders in the community who learned from the "community" Newsletter that 
a big gap existed and needed to be filled.

We are lucky to have ANYBODY making KR parts for us, and especially wing 
skins for the new airfoil (that is something RR would never have even 
considered).  If we keep up this Glover-beating, NOBODY will be buying KR 
parts or plans no matter how long you have to wait on them!

Let's face it...KR builders are the world's cheapest aircraft builders by 
definition.  You don't go into the KR business with any hope of making a 
profit...you do it to support other builders.  Oscar's example of selling 
Pietenpol fittings as a service to other builders was a perfect example of 

Please put an end to this thread if you have nothing positive to add.  If 
you haven't walked in Steve's shoes...give it some thought, please...

Mark Langford
ML at N56ML.com
website at http://www.N56ML.com

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