Now we are getting somewhere.  After reading Larry's message regarding gear 
location, I took a long hard look at the gear location and Diehl gear leg 
attachment at the main spar.  The axles are at 4-1/4 inches from the aft 
face of the main spar on my KR-2.  Compare that to 7 inches for Joe Horton. 
Turns out the fiberglass gear leg on both legs at the spar end have two cut 
angles.  One side has a greater cut angle than the other side.  I chose the 
smaller taper to put against the mounting bracket and that resulted in 
putting the gear 3 inches to far forward.
My plan is to swap the left and right gear legs and flip them to get the 
wheel alignment back to 0 toe in.  Hopefully the bolt holes will line up. 
That also means cutting into the fiber glass on the bottom of the wing to 
get access.  If the bolt holes don't line up or cannot get the required 
wheel location, then will have to get a new set of gear legs and try again. 
If there is a way to screw it up, I have every confidence I can figure out 
how to make it happen.

LESSON LEARNED: For tri-gear, the axles should be 20 inches from the leading 
edge of the stub wing on the RAF airfoil or 7 inches from the aft face of 
the main spar.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA
> Sid has his main axle distance 17" aft of the stub wing leading edge,

What Joe Horton wrote is that his axle center line is 7" behind the AFT face 
or back side of his main carry through spar. Not the forward face of the 
main spar. There is about a 2 1/2" difference in placement of the axle 
center line if you measure from the forward face of the spar.

What Joe Horton said is absolutely correct. Everyone's main carry through 
spar should be in exactly the same place. Don't measure off the leading edge 
of the wing, measure off of the main carry through spar. This is not Rocket 
Science!  Dan Diehls landing gear and brackets leave no room for error if 
you follow his instructions. If you want a tricycle set up bolt the Diehl 
Main Gear brackets on the aft side / back side of the main carry through 
spar. If you want a tail dragger then place the Diehl brackets on the front 
side of the spar. Then drill and bolt the fiberglass leg to this bracket by 
placing the cut angle on the top forward side of the leg against the 
bracket. If you push the leading edge of the glass leg fully flush against 
the rear face of the shear web on the Diehl bracket for a tricycle gear it 
places your axle center line in the proper place. In Joes case his axle 
center line is 7" behind or from the back side of the main carry through 
spar. If you decide to ge!
t creative on your own by not placing the cut angle fully against the aft 
face of the shear web then you will run into problems.

Larry Howell


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