Mark, I already have the top bolts on the upper gear legs with steel fender washers on the upper surface of the fiberglass. The bottom of the legs have a single aluminum plate on the fiberglass, all per your suggestion several years ago. With the aft extension I will put a steel plate in place of the aluminum plate on the bottom gear leg fiberglass to increase the clamping action. My reasoning is to prevent splitting the gear leg due to increased twisting during landing and rough field operations. Overall the extension will be a flat plate, 0.250 x 3.0 x 5.5 inches. I am waiting for the 4130 steel from AC Spruce now.
And still waiting for anyone to volunteer what the main gear position location is for their tri-gear KR-2. Sid Wood Tri-gear KR-2 N6242 Mechanicsville, MD, USA -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Now that I notice that gap at the very bottom of the gear, the bottom > bolts > would see some tension, rather than compression, but the gear bracket > itself > is still doing most of the resistance to bending. I'd let the available > hole spacing be my guide, but sandwiching the bottom of the leg a bit with > a > small aluminum plate (or large AN equivalent of a fender washer) would > likely satisfy me, if it were my plane. > > Mark Langford