Since I had 80th birthday, and have type II diabetes for many years, and 
suffered one coma,so it is time to let airplane & over 300 sport and flying 
magazines go. My wife and I are also selling our home and moving to a small 
town where my #1 son and his Wife live. This daughter-in-law is a nurse, so 
they want to take care of us. 

A new home there will be so small, I won't have a shop any more, I will not 
have the space we had. I would consider donation of the plane and mags to a EAA 
chapter, if there are men who would like to have a project to restore. 

I will not answer questions on the net! If interested e-mail me at 
thomas.garner07 at . Or if you will send phone #, I will call you. 
Send address and I will main info. 

I have enjoyed the kr and corvair nets. I may not be able to get Comcast at new 

Tom Garner In Metro Nashville, Tenn. 

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