Wayne wrote: >Checkout this link. http://www.qam.com.au/aircraft/kr-2/VH-XXS-03.htm
The interesting thing about that photo is that he's cleared out the area under the canopy between canopy and top longeron and apparently put some Plexiglas in the hole. I'm guessing that was so he had better visibility of the side of the runway when landing. That's one of the worst things about the original KR2 bubble...limited visibility of that area forward and to the left, just in front of and left of the wing. A good view of that area is crucial for landing. It provides altitude feedback, as well as "am I even on the runway" for three-point landings in a taildragger. I'd like to know more about how he did that. The Dragonfly or KR2S canopy provides a lot better visibility, but they are a lot more expensive also. I don't think I made that photo. I'm thinking John Martindale or one of the other Aussies sent it to me when I was looking for air-to-air shots for KRnet. I don't mind my name being stuck on it, but whoever really took the photo should get credit for it. Mark Langford, Harvest, AL ML at N56ML.com www.N56ML.com