At 06:49 PM 3/4/2014, you wrote:
>I suspect there are numerous builders who are like me - a bit scared of
>fibreglass due to total inexperience with it.  Wing skins, where the
>quality of the work is important for both structural and aesthetic reasons
>strike me as a less than ideal place to learn.

Tony, and  other beginners,

Someone famous once said " the only thing we have to fear is fear 
itself".  And so it goes with fiberglass.  The only thing you have to 
fear is developing an allergy to the resin.

I had zero experience with glassing, or building an airplane for that 
matter, when I started.  You won't start with the wings and by the 
time you get that far it will be old hat.  Learning by doing will 
happen rather quickly.  Read  up on glassing and develop a knowledge 
base.  Watch a few builders, try some test layups, watch a video, the 
info is out there.  The only real "trick" to a good layup, if there 
really is a trick, is to get the underlying foam done right.  If the 
foam is done right, the layup practically takes care of itself, you 
merely go through the motions.

You develop a great knowledge base and a great deal of experience 
when building an airplane.  Don't concern yourself with the entire 
project at once but concentrate on one thing at a time.  In no time 
at all you'll look back and say " that really wasn't all that hard".

Larry Flesner

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