My VW engine came Great Plains Aircraft and had the standard oil drain cover plate. The Revmaster side oil drain was needed due to the addition of the Revmaster oil cooler on the bottom of the engine. New oil cooler is also one of the reasons for building a new cowl.
Sid Wood Tri-gear KR-2 N6242 Mechanicsville, MD, USA > Well, you have to remove the oil drain cover before you split the case, no > matter what. You will really like this remote drain. Any VW conversion > can > use it, it does not have to be a Revmaster. > > Daniel R. Heath -?Lexington, SC > > -----Original Message----- > > Also installed the Revmaster oil side drain today and found out what the > big > grooves on the bottom side of the oil pan are for. Actually they allow a > socket wrench access to the case bolt nuts. >