Larry, the mark that you see is a burn mark from my sander. I did remove  
the mark but that brings up a question.  
Would sanding burn marks affect the bond with T88 epoxy. I  think I've been 
wearing out my sandpaper a little far to save $ and get to  a point to were 
I burn a lot wood.    

Paul  Visk
Belleville Il.
_Paul Visk - KR-2S Aircraft Builder's  Log  

In a message dated 1/19/2014 6:28:45 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
PPaulVsk at writes:

The pic  is a little blurry. I need a camera like Mark's : ) All my spruce  

came from Wicks. 
Check out link.  No shipping charge

Paul   Visk
Belleville Il.
_Paul Visk - KR-2S Aircraft  Builder's  Log to change  options

_ ( 

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