> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Larry&Sallie Flesner
> Sent: 01/11/14 05:09 PM
> To: KRnet
> Subject: Re: KR> KR1/KR100?????whats the difference?
> At 02:31 PM 1/11/2014, you wrote:
> >Can anyone here shed some light on to the pros or cons of the KR1 VS 
> >the KR 100 and what changed from the KR1 to the KR 100?
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> considerable info with photos at http://www.krnet.org/krs/kr100/
> Latest info is that the aircraft is out of registration and located 
> in Arizona.
> I recall 100 hp is the smallest engine recommended. You could 
> duplicate it with a KR2S narrowed to a single place and use the new 
> airfoil. that would make a real hotrod. I recall the only KR100 to 
> fly used the RAF48 airfoil with a modified lead edge. Personally, I 
> think a standard KR2, narrowed to a single place, with slightly 
> enlarged tail surfaces, would make a fast little bird with almost any 
> engine bigger than a 2100 VW, a Corvair or Continental making it a 
> real streaker.
> Larry Flesner

As Larry says, if you want a KR-100, just narrow up a 2S and use the new 
airfoil and tail plans. ?You'll have a much better plane. ?I wouldn't put a 
great deal of stock in the 262 mph speed listed for the KR-100. ?The formula 
racers using an O-200 were typically turning those engines just a bit over 4000 
rpm. ?It's likely that speed was reached running the engine that way, so I 
wouldn't count on that kind of speed with any engines normally found on a KR. 
?But you can build yourself a plane that will push 200 mph pretty easily.

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

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