I couldn't find a discussion of prop clearance in this particular book, but 
just to mention or remind everyone of a book that is an otherwise VERY 
comprehensive source of information for inspection, repair, - and building as 
well - of all types of non-pressurized aircraft.  Along with Tony Bingelis's 
series of books - this should be in everyone's library.  Many, if not most 
classes on inspection and repair use it as a "bible" for the course.  It is 
ALTERATIONS".  It's an FAA publication (inch and a half thick), and includes AC 
43.13-1B and AC 43.13-2A.  My particular copy was reprinted by Aviation 
Supplies & Academics, Inc.  I don't remember the exact cost, but it was very 
affordable.  Just as a small example, it has a whole chapter (23 pages) devoted 
to weight and balance.

Ed J.

>> On 5 Jan 2014, at 12:04 am, Gerald Jones <geraldsjones at att.net> wrote:
>> I recognize that the passage you cite is form 14 CFR part 1 section ? 23.925 
>> Propeller clearance.  I don't have this part of the CFRs in my FAR/AIM.  Can 
>> you tell me where you found it online?  Does this apply just to LSAs or all 
>> aircraft?  I would have never guessed that there was a reg for prop

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