At 07:21 AM 1/4/2014, you wrote:
>got my pilot license in the 70's and see no difference between the two
>political parties -

I think we just drove in to the ditch on this post.  Discussing the 
EAA and local chapters could or should have some benefit for KR 
builders but this post took the political exit.  Too bad.

Local EAA chapters are what the members make them.  If you don't like 
your chapter, change it.  I was president of one of our local 
chapters for two years back it 2000.  Meeting were disorganized and 
unruly and attendance was going down.  I asked the chapter to appoint 
a board of directors and hold a business meeting the week before the 
membership meeting. You can't have 25 people deciding what brand of 
hot dogs to have at a cookout. Hold the membership meetings to order, 
ask as many to participate as possible with project reports, etc., 
and give the members a REASON to attend with an interesting program, 
even if it is just 15 minutes long.  Highlight a few members at each 
meeting.  You'll find it amazing the background and hobbies of your members.

The EAA covers such a broad range of aviation that you can feel left 
out in you single little niche of interest.  Enjoy and use the area 
of your interest and let the rest slide.  There is a ton of good "how 
to" videos for builders as well as other sources of 
information.  Just bringing us Tony Bingelis and his books was a 
great asset to me.  If that's all you use it's worth the price of admission.

Don't forget the behind the scenes work the EAA does fighting 
regulations.  Sport pilot, auto fuel, too many others to 
mention.  The EAA is probably one of the primary reasons you're 
allowed to build that wooden crate in your garage and go fly in 
public airspace.

Keep on building................

Larry Flesner

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