Dan Prichard wrote:

>T-88 appears to be the structural adhesive of choice but what about lay up
resins. System 3, west, aeropoxy or what?  

I second the Aeropoxy recommendation, but others are just as devoted to
West, so apparently you can't go wrong with either one of those.  Some folks
like West for the pump system.  I don't see how that could possibly be
accurate for small batches (like an ounce or two), but to each his own.  I
prefer to weigh my Aeropoxy proportions to the gram, which is easy and
accurate with a $10 digital scale that weighs up to 11 pounds (will send
link tonight).   

 And yes, T-88 is the structural epoxy of choice. 

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML at N56ML.com

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