Gathering attendees,

It's going to be a busy time at the Gathering.  In trying to provide 
those attending with the most information possible on building and 
flying their KR's , I've set up the following schedule.  I've tried 
to put most of the forums on Friday afternoon and evening and 
Saturday as that seems to be the times when most people are able to attend.

Friday 2:00PM  Forum on engines in the terminal
Friday 6:00PM  Forum on cross country flying (weather, flight 
planning, etc.) Doug Steen  in the terminal

Saturday  9:00AM  Forum  Mixture meters and other technology  Sid 
Wood in the terminal
Saturday  10:30AM  Weight and Balance demonstration
Saturday   2:00 PM  Forum on airframe / systems construction in the terminal
Saturday   7:00 PM  Awards banquet in the terminal

Pre-registration is very light this year.  I hope it's not an 
indication of the attendance we can expect.  I use the 
pre-registration info to determine the hat and shirt orders so if you 
want a hat or shirt and haven't pre-registered, do so soon.  I will 
need to cut off orders on or around September 15 in order to get the 
items ordered and embroidered.

I'll try to see if SRT Aviation (the FBO) has scales we can use for 
the weight and balance demo.  If so, I'll post the info to the net.

If anyone has items for sale, bring them and we'll have a spot set up 
to display them.

If anyone has something they want to display or demo, let me know and 
we'll find a time and place for you.  Bring your photo albums, 
laptops, etc. to share your building progress. Also bring your best 
stories to share around the camp fire. :-)

That's all I can think of for now.  JUST 33 MORE DAYS...................

Larry Flesner

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