Don, very beautifull plane, do you have more pictures, I would like to see them

If you prefer, you can send it to my Email

Eduardo Barros
San Pedro, Bs. As., Argentina

Mail: eduardo at 
Visite el proyecto de construcci?n del avi?n experimental ?Kr2 EGB?:

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Don Laverick 
  To: krnet at 
  Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 10:08 PM
  Subject: KR> Emailing: KR 4271 (3)

  ref winglets CG and  WAFs

   atached is a shot of my KR2Ss which has

      A  Jabiru 80 hp 4 cylinder engine

      Wings are AS5048 airfoil,  lengthened 2 feet each side , elevator 
lengthened 1 foot and rudder 6 inches

      wing tanks 45 litres each side

       I had the WAFs checked by an aeronautical engineer before building who 
said they were fine as the fuel weight was in the wings taking                
that weight off the WAFs.

         The plane does 140 knots WOT  using 22 litres per hour at 3300rpm and 
cruises at 105 knots at 2850 rpm and15 litres per hour

            I have been on some very rough outback strips and  have checked the 
WAFs very carefully and found no sign of movement

          Don Laverick Cessnock NSW Australia

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