The Washington FSDO FAA Inspector that did my airworthiness inspection required me to install a mechanical airspeed indicator and a mechanical magnetic compass before the inspection. I had asked for day and night VFR operations for the airworthiness inspection application. Night VFR is the item that required the backup gauges. Primary is a Dynon D10A with four (4) electrical power sources. So, now I have two airspeeds and three magnetic compasses in my airplane. Belts and suspenders.
Sid Wood Tri-gear KR-2 N6242 Mechanicsville, MD, USA -------------------------------------------------------------- > > Larry Flesner wrote: > >>When considering the entire panel at once it looks a bit challenging. > Break it down to the three >things you need for a safe flight, aviate, > navigate, communicate... > > Larry, > > All decisions have been made, the panel is designed, all components and > materials are on hand, and I'm cutting it out and wiring it shortly. With > 1130 hours in N56ML with a similar panel, I have a pretty good idea of how > I'd like it. No further thought required... > > Mark Langford > ML at > see experimental N56ML at >