
On Sat, 15 Jun 2019 12:22:39 +0200
Hannah von Reth <vonr...@kde.org> wrote:
> currently we are unable to build QtWebkit with mingw.
> It should be possible to fix QtWebkit, 
> https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/blob/2cfdf054df2c826d7c61237ee5ac2453b0f3964d/mingw-w64-qtwebkit/PKGBUILD
> the patches here might help.

could you give me some details? After re-enabling the build for MinGW,
qtwebkit just compiled out of the box. It took forever, but did not
require any patching. Admittedly, I have cheated a tiny bit by building
with --buildtype Release, as RelWithDebInfo exceeded my (virtual) disk

I'd like to point of the perhaps the entire reason for the continued
existence of QtWebKit *is* MinGW, or more precisely the fact that
QtWebEngine cannot be built with MinGW, and thus is not available as an

> The mingw builds where recently removed after several month of
> failing.

And just now our MacOS build has been removed, as well. I know it has
been failing. *Again* without any change on *our* end.

I'm not directing the following sigh at anyone in particular, as I know
there isn't the right address for it. It still wants out though:

I'd love to have more time for the project. But I don't. It totally
sucks to come back from a hiatus after a few months, only to find out
that there's not just a lack of progress, but the project has been
broken by external changes, left broken, *and* removed without notice.
Instead of going anywhere, I'm spending hours just trying to get back
to the baseline. No fun.


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