Hi, currently we are unable to build QtWebkit with mingw.
It should be possible to fix QtWebkit, https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/blob/2cfdf054df2c826d7c61237ee5ac2453b0f3964d/mingw-w64-qtwebkit/PKGBUILD the patches here might help.
The mingw builds where recently removed after several month of failing. Cheers, Hannah On 15/06/2019 09:43, Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
Hi! I know I've been neglecting these matters for a long while, now, but I don't recall any notice of impending removal either. So: Whatever happened to the RKWard mingw64 nightly? Can we have it back, please? Or what action is expected on our side? Regards Thomas