Hi Hannah,

Your solution here was a very good one.  I don’t think I sent you an update on 
this.  It greatly reduced the number of INDI related recipes that I needed to 
have from about 24 down to 3.  And now it works nicely.



> On Jan 31, 2019, at 3:58 AM, Hannah von Reth <han...@von-reth.de> wrote:
> Hi Robert, Hi Jasem, <>
>  <>
> I'd suggest to add a CMakeMakefile.txt to  <>https://github.com/indilib/indi 
> <https://github.com/indilib/indi> and provide cmake options to 
> enable/disablemodules.
> Alternatively those modules should become real modules and reside in their 
> own repository.
>  <>
> The current layout it really uncommon. <>
>  <>
> I also recommend to use tarballs for stable builds, this would eliminate the 
> need to clone the source 12 times. <>
>  <>
> Cheers, <>
>  <>
> Hannah
>  <>
> From:  <>Robert Lancaster <mailto:rlanca...@gmail.com>
> Sent: 31 January 2019 04:24
> To: Hannah von Reth <mailto:vonr...@kde.org>; kde-windows@kde.org 
> <mailto:kde-windows@kde.org>
> Cc: Jasem Mutlaq <mailto:mutla...@ikarustech.com>
> Subject: Craft recipes with more than one target
> Hi Hannah,  <>
> I have a question about whether craft is capable of doing something.  In my 
> quest to build Mac craft recipes for building KStars, I have made a number of 
> recipes.   One set of them though, seems a little silly.  I had to make one 
> recipe for building indiserver, one for making indiserver 3rdParty, and one 
> for each of the Indi driver libraries (there are 10 of them) which are 
> dependencies of the indiserver 3rdParty build.  Each recipe is fairly easy to 
> write since they are almost identical.  It also makes some sense because 
> people may want to install libsbig but not install INDI, since they might 
> want to use it for something else.  But there are a couple of issues with 
> that.   First, there are at least 12 recipes to maintain, which are all 
> coming from the same source.  Each of these 12 recipes uses the exact same 
> repository:  https://github.com/indilib/indi 
> <https://github.com/indilib/indi>.   Another issue with that is file size and 
> download speed, because the download of indi for each recipe is 481 MB 
> apiece.  That gives a total of 5.6 GB for the whole INDI build.  And when 
> INDI changes they would all need updates. . .
> So I could see a couple of solutions to this:
> One might be to download the repository once, and then somehow point all of 
> them to the same source folder.  This would have the advantage of reducing 
> the file size, but still allowing a user to build whichever part of indi they 
> like as well as build it all with the craft dependency structure as I 
> currently have them organized.  But I’m not sure how to change this setting 
> to make all of them use the same folder.  Right now of course each one 
> downloads to its own source folder based on the package name.
> Another one would be to somehow write the 3rd party recipe to build all of 
> the libraries in addition to the 3rd party build.  Is there a way to do 
> something like this, where you can specify more than one source folder, so 
> that it runs the configure, make, and install steps for each one?  The 
> following will not work currently because it will just do the second one.
> self.targetInstSrc['Latest'] = "3rdparty/libaltaircam"
>         self.targetInstSrc['Latest'] = “3rdParty"
> Another solution that I found is that I can specify from the command line the 
> source folder, so that in my script, I might be able to say:
> craft -vvv -i --src-dir 
> ~/AstroRoot/kstars-craft/download/git/libs/indiserver3rdParty-latest/3rdparty/libfishcamp
>  indiserver3rdParty-latest
> craft -vvv -i --src-dir 
> ~/AstroRoot/kstars-craft/download/git/libs/indiserver3rdParty-latest/3rdparty 
> indiserver3rdParty-latest
> But to do it this way, I cannot specify the targetInstSrc folder because it 
> will try to look in a subfolder when I specify src-dir
> What would be the best approach, or do you have a better one?
> In other news, I almost have the KStars recipes finished.  Most of the things 
> we need are now building well.  This  week I wrote the code that we need to 
> build KStars using those recipes and make a repository for it.  We can now 
> successfully build a dmg that works almost as well as the old scripts that 
> used homebrew do.  There’s just a few more things to iron out.  If you are 
> interested, the build script is here:
> https://github.com/rlancaste/kstars-on-osx-craft 
> <https://github.com/rlancaste/kstars-on-osx-craft>
> And my Mac versions of the recipes are here:
> https://github.com/rlancaste/craft-blueprints-kde 
> <https://github.com/rlancaste/craft-blueprints-kde>
> We probably will have the issues worked out by next week.
> Thanks,
> Rob

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