Its definitely possible to have multiple targets in a blueprint.
Most blueprints have.

You can set a version by calling "craft --set version=master kstars"

To manage syncronised releases have a look on or 
The version.ini holds all targets, and the blueprints just call 
self.versionInfo.setDefaultValues() .


From: Kde-windows <> on behalf of Robert Lancaster 
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 2:48 PM
To: Hannah von Reth
Subject: Re: Craft recipes with more than one target

Hi Hannah,

Thank you for the quick reply.  I will discuss that solution with Jasem.

We do want to have a stable build certainly as you state but we also want a 
“latest” build which uses the latest INDI code downloaded from git, since we 
not only need craft to build stable releases of the software, but also need it 
for developing the software on macs, as well as distribution of the latest 
build for testing purposes and for people who want to play with the latest 
source code.  As of now they are two separate recipes, for example indiserver 
and indiserver-latest, but I would like to combine them.  I have successfully 
used “latest” as a version “number” in craft and can probably use that to 
modify the recipe to decide whether to use the stable tarballs or download from 
git.  I hope to reduce the number of recipes for INDI from 24 down to 12, 2, or 
maybe 1.



On Jan 31, 2019, at 3:58 AM, Hannah von Reth 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Robert, Hi Jasem,

I'd suggest to add a CMakeMakefile.txt to and 
provide cmake options to enable/disablemodules.
Alternatively those modules should become real modules and reside in their own 
The current layout it really uncommon.

I also recommend to use tarballs for stable builds, this would eliminate the 
need to clone the source 12 times.



From: Robert Lancaster<>
Sent: 31 January 2019 04:24
To: Hannah von Reth<>;<>
Cc: Jasem Mutlaq<>
Subject: Craft recipes with more than one target

Hi Hannah,

I have a question about whether craft is capable of doing something.  In my 
quest to build Mac craft recipes for building KStars, I have made a number of 
recipes.   One set of them though, seems a little silly.  I had to make one 
recipe for building indiserver, one for making indiserver 3rdParty, and one for 
each of the Indi driver libraries (there are 10 of them) which are dependencies 
of the indiserver 3rdParty build.  Each recipe is fairly easy to write since 
they are almost identical.  It also makes some sense because people may want to 
install libsbig but not install INDI, since they might want to use it for 
something else.  But there are a couple of issues with that.   First, there are 
at least 12 recipes to maintain, which are all coming from the same source.  
Each of these 12 recipes uses the exact same repository:   Another issue with that is file size and 
download speed, because the download of indi for each recipe is 481 MB apiece.  
That gives a total of 5.6 GB for the whole INDI build.  And when INDI changes 
they would all need updates. . .

So I could see a couple of solutions to this:

One might be to download the repository once, and then somehow point all of 
them to the same source folder.  This would have the advantage of reducing the 
file size, but still allowing a user to build whichever part of indi they like 
as well as build it all with the craft dependency structure as I currently have 
them organized.  But I’m not sure how to change this setting to make all of 
them use the same folder.  Right now of course each one downloads to its own 
source folder based on the package name.

Another one would be to somehow write the 3rd party recipe to build all of the 
libraries in addition to the 3rd party build.  Is there a way to do something 
like this, where you can specify more than one source folder, so that it runs 
the configure, make, and install steps for each one?  The following will not 
work currently because it will just do the second one.

self.targetInstSrc['Latest'] = "3rdparty/libaltaircam"

        self.targetInstSrc['Latest'] = “3rdParty"

Another solution that I found is that I can specify from the command line the 
source folder, so that in my script, I might be able to say:

craft -vvv -i --src-dir 

craft -vvv -i --src-dir 

But to do it this way, I cannot specify the targetInstSrc folder because it 
will try to look in a subfolder when I specify src-dir

What would be the best approach, or do you have a better one?

In other news, I almost have the KStars recipes finished.  Most of the things 
we need are now building well.  This  week I wrote the code that we need to 
build KStars using those recipes and make a repository for it.  We can now 
successfully build a dmg that works almost as well as the old scripts that used 
homebrew do.  There’s just a few more things to iron out.  If you are 
interested, the build script is here:

And my Mac versions of the recipes are here:

We probably will have the issues worked out by next week.



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