On Friday 22 August 2008 19:22:34 David Johnson wrote:
> On Friday 22 August 2008 06:16:06 am Hannes Hauswedell wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I am not sure whether this is FreeBSD-related, but I noticed that not all
> > KDE- colors are applied to Qt-Apps. More precisely, some things that
> > should be shown in blue (and that are drawn blue in kde-apps) like
> > text-selection and progress-bars are drawn black-on-white in qt-apps.
> > I have attached a screenshot that demonstrates this.
> This looks like an Arora problem. The same thing happens in both Linux and
> FreeBSD, and only with Arora. Qt4 edit boxes in designer are colored
> correctly. Are you seeing this with any other apps?

I experience this with all other qt-apps that I use: 
qbittorrent, psi + kports

> > P.S.: I have also experienced issues with an application windows flashing
> > up white briefly on starting... don't know if that is related.
> Unfortunately, that's normal. KDE4 is pushing the bleeding edge of video
> display. I get the flashies in both FreeBSD and Linux, with two different
> video cards. I understand the problem is even worse with NVidia cards. I
> have been told to "just wait, the video drivers will catch up".

Hm... ok.
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