On Friday 22 August 2008 06:16:06 am Hannes Hauswedell wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am not sure whether this is FreeBSD-related, but I noticed that not all
> KDE- colors are applied to Qt-Apps. More precisely, some things that should
> be shown in blue (and that are drawn blue in kde-apps) like text-selection
> and progress-bars are drawn black-on-white in qt-apps.
> I have attached a screenshot that demonstrates this.

This looks like an Arora problem. The same thing happens in both Linux and 
FreeBSD, and only with Arora. Qt4 edit boxes in designer are colored 
correctly. Are you seeing this with any other apps?

> P.S.: I have also experienced issues with an application windows flashing
> up white briefly on starting... don't know if that is related.

Unfortunately, that's normal. KDE4 is pushing the bleeding edge of video 
display. I get the flashies in both FreeBSD and Linux, with two different 
video cards. I understand the problem is even worse with NVidia cards. I have 
been told to "just wait, the video drivers will catch up".

David Johnson
kde-freebsd mailing list
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