On Sunday 27 July 2008 10:54:53 am Hannes Hauswedell wrote:
> > Test 1: create 2M connections
> > started at 09:34:53
> > finished at 09:35:01
> That is on Qt4.4.0? And on Qt4.3. ? I know you have to downgrade to
> test, but if you backup your current pkgs its easy to restore.

This is on 4.4.0 (and 4.4.1-prerelease). I don't have 4.3.5, and I 
unfortunately have any more time today to downgrade to test.

> Hm, how do you explain the results I get? No matter whether KPorts needs
> 240k connections, a slow-down of multiple minutes vs seconds just
> depending on the qt-version is definitely a bug in Qt.

This sounds like a bug for Trolltech. Seriously. My head starts swimming every 
time you start looking at the implementation for the meta object stuff in Qt. 
So please file a bug with them. Possibly also mention it on the kde-devel 
list, because a lot of Trolls hang out there as well. Maybe someone else has 
seen it.

David Johnson
kde-freebsd mailing list

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