Martin Wilke schrieb:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 08:54:52PM +0200, Dorian Büttner wrote:
>> Hannes Hauswedell schrieb:
>>> - xine now works as phonon-backend (I activated oss manually in the 
>>> configfile as descirbed in the bug-report)
>> may I kindly ask which bug report you refer to?
>> I can't get phonon playing audio neither with xine nor with gstreamer.
>> sound card is snd_hda, it makes some noise if I spell casts on /dev/dsp, 
>> any idea where to debug further?
> Update your area51 tree and rebuild phonon, xine backend work now
> without problems.
Yes already did that before asking. Still, no sound. I see some
systemsettings(1371)/phonon (xine backend)  
Phonon::Xine::AudioOutput::setOutputDevice: new audio port is invalid
in the terminal I satrted X from
playback device is correctly detected as 82801G hda (pcm) -> /dev/dsp0

Those messages appear for any output plugin tried (jack, arts), then 
using the null audio port for playback.

Any hint?
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