David Johnson wrote:
> On Sunday 15 June 2008 11:27:23 pm David Johnson wrote:
>> According to Trolltech support, and Thiago, the Qt headers *must* come
>> before any system headers. If it doesn't, then this is an error with the
>> KDE cmake files. Trolltech and KDE are not going to support the FreeBSD way
>> of doing things. Qt3 and Qt4 cannot live together in the same QTDIR.
> To clarify, /usr/local/include/QtCore must come before /usr/local/include. It 
> is possible to fix cmake/KDE to ensure this, but we can also avoid the 
> problem in ports.
> I am only experimenting with this, and only because I want to see KDE4 on 
> FreeBSD sometime this year. If no one wants it, then it doesn't get 
> committed.

We of course are all for seeing KDE4 in ports sooner rather than later, 
I say lets figure out what it takes to make this happen, and go for it! 
I'm currently re-tasking our build server to build our next release of 
PC-BSD7 with KDE4 from Area51, so we can test with it, and work on 
porting our utilities over to QT4. The sooner QT 3/4 gets sorted out, 
the better.


Kris Moore
PC-BSD Software
kde-freebsd mailing list

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