Nate Graham <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |
            Summary|Tooltip/infotip causes      |Brief stutter in scrolling
                   |scrolling to stop           |when cursor passes over
                   |                            |something that shows a
                   |                            |tooltip while view is being
                   |                            |scrolled
           Severity|normal                      |minor
         Resolution|---                         |UPSTREAM
           Priority|NOR                         |VLO
             Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED

--- Comment #1 from Nate Graham <> ---
It doesn't actually stop the scroll, it causes a brief stutter, presumably
while it loads the tooltip. Can reproduce. Super duper minor; I'm amazed you
even noticed this!

This is going to end up being something in Qt code, though. Please report it
upstream, ideally with some sample code to demonstrate the problem to Qt

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