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--- Comment #49 from ---
(In reply to Miguel Rozsas from comment #28)
> Switching to Andromeda (another sddm theme) the login worked agian.
> It is, indeed, a bug on Breeze theme, not SDDM itself.

Problem is really in theme (or in UI components). There is theme based on
Breeze, and it also has this problem:

But it can be partially fixed by removing this:
anchors {
    bottom: parent.bottom
    left: parent.left
    right: parent.right
    margins: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
in Main.qml (after id: footer line).

But the buttons ("Shutdown", "Restart", and "Sleep") still don't work.

By the way, I managed to brake Andromeda theme. Just replaced Input with
PlasmaComponents.TextField in Login.qml (id: userNameInput) and buttons become

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