Jack Hill <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |imedia/elisa/-/commit/d8bd1 |imedia/elisa/-/commit/ec8ae
                   |a35a835d44d28a07e7e671e7cfc |492467320e6cb09b88167d22049
                   |29d07073                    |3dba9479

--- Comment #15 from Jack Hill <> ---
Git commit ec8ae492467320e6cb09b88167d220493dba9479 by Jack Hill.
Committed on 08/06/2024 at 11:10.
Pushed by ngraham into branch 'release/24.05'.

Fix DBus service activation

Previously this was supposed to be started in ElisaApplication::create,
except it wasn't started because this function was never called.

> By default, each QQmlEngine will try to create a singleton instance
> using either the type's default constructor or a static factory
> function of the signature T *create(QQmlEngine *, QJSEngine *) when
> the type is first accessed. If both do exist and are accessible, the
> default constructor is preferred.

Run kdesrc-build --run elisa. After the window is launched, run the same
command in a separate terminal session.

Before: two instances of Elisa opened

Now: only one instance of Elisa opens.

Amends fc374017

(cherry picked from commit d8bd1a35a835d44d28a07e7e671e7cfc29d07073)

M  +0    -23   src/elisaapplication.cpp
M  +0    -2    src/elisaapplication.h
M  +15   -1    src/main.cpp

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