Jack <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |ostroffjh@users.sourceforge
                   |                            |.net

--- Comment #8 from Jack <> ---
Ralf - it is possible (but not easy) to run a newly compiled version of KMM.  I
use a specific install prefix just for that purpose - I don't think it will
work directly from the build dir since I'm not sure all the directories are in
the (relative) expected location.  It involves setting some KDE env variables
and running kbuildsycocaX where X is 4 or 5.  Actually, I have separate
locations for 4 (4.8.0) and 5 (frameworks from master).  I'll be glad to post
the script I use to the dev mailing list if there is interest.

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