--- Comment #11 from Ralf Habacker <> ---
> Thank you for your example.
> But it looks like the payee always has the same address.

I did set `(\d+\d+\d+)` into the id pattern field and 
`` into the url template field of the my payee for
example "amazon".

> Or can you edit the address in the booking form?

In the booking form I enter the order number into the memo field of the related
transaction e.g. `xxx-yyyy-zzzz` which x,y,z all numbers and get a link to the
related order at the amazon web site.

> I need different addresses (usually PDF) for each process, and in my case the 
> associated invoices.
> See my example with the category and split booking.

That would be configured with:
1. add payee `vodafone` if not present
2. set url template to `file:///Common/Documents/Vodafone/Rechnungen/%1'
3. in the id pattern field set `(Rechnung_\d+.pdf)` 
4. assign related transaction to payee `vodafone` and add
`Rechnung_3668468554.pdf` to the memo field
6. save transaction

Then you would see the term `Rechnung_3668468554.pdf` be underlined in the
related transaction to indicate a matching link.

After selecting this transaction the link can be opened by mouse right click
and pressing `open url` or by the associate keyboard shortcut.


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