--- Comment #31 from ---
(In reply to Joachim Wagner from comment #29)
> An alternative to relying on UUIDs and sub-volume IDs is to assume mount
> points of filesystems do not change and to proceed as follows...
Apologies, I fear you'll have to step through your process for me. I'm somehow
missing something...

If I look on Tumbleweed I can see results from:

    stat testfile
    stat -f testfile
    findmnt -nT testfile

These give me the major/minor device numbers + inode of the testfile, the
"filesystem ID" and mount point (with BTRFS subvol/subvolid).

The minor device number jumps around with reboots. The filesystem ID, subvol
and subvolid seem solid. Snippets of my last reboots and updates:

    Device: 0,40    Inode: 2506
    ID: cef844b93a5a00ff
    BTRFS: subvolid=263,subvol=/@/home

    Device: 0,39    Inode: 2506
    ID: cef844b93a5a00ff
    BTRFS: subvolid=263,subvol=/@/home

    Device: 0,46    Inode: 2506
    ID: cef844b93a5a00ff
    BTRFS: subvolid=263,subvol=/@/home

    Device: 0,40    Inode: 2506
    ID: cef844b93a5a00ff
    BTRFS: subvolid=263,subvol=/@/home

    Device: 0,41    Inode: 2506
    ID: cef844b93a5a00ff
    BTRFS: subvolid=263,subvol=/@/home

    Device: 0,43    Inode: 2506
    ID: cef844b93a5a00ff
    BTRFS: subvolid=263,subvol=/@/home 

At the moment, with every reboot, baloo indexes or reindexes the testfile
"under" it's new docID (device number/inode) and over time, it gathers quite a
collection of entries:

    baloosearch -i testfile

    9ca00000027 /home/test/testfile
    9ca0000002f /home/test/testfile
    9ca0000002e /home/test/testfile
    9ca0000002d /home/test/testfile
    9ca0000002c /home/test/testfile
    9ca0000002b /home/test/testfile
    9ca0000002a /home/test/testfile
    9ca00000029 /home/test/testfile
    9ca00000028 /home/test/testfile

The mapping would have to work when indexing (going from full filename to an
invariant, unique, internal docID) and when searching (going from the docID to
the canonical filename).

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