--- Comment #2 from danitxu <> ---
Hi Jean-Baptiste,
first of all, proud of receiving an answer for you. Let me make you know that
since June, and because of the pandemic, I've been teaching Kdenlive to more
than 150 people, some of them teachers in Spanish universities, and when the
trainining is finished all of them  really happy with Kdenlive. It's a very
very great program.

For our bug, I think a good solution would be a dialog saying something like:
* "This clip has not a known duration. Please, repair it externally or input an
expected duration".
* One text input to enter duration like MM:NN:SS
* One button "Ok" enabled when duration has been entered
* One button "Cancel" whose meaning is that it will be repaired externally
I don't know the consequence for the case that the video is shorter than the
entered duration; for sure you will know how to manage that situation.

Maybe another better option would be to enable to convert it inside Kdenlive,
calling ffmpeg internally, instead of proposing to do it externally. Anyway
this may be more work for you.

IMHO this is not an urgent bug. Thanks a lot again for your so wonderful work!

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