David Edmundson <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |ma/libksysguard/commit/ebcf |ma/libksysguard/commit/5e48
                   |87527c32db0b6685c63a450489d |a74d5f2b0cd271b4edc8308dabd
                   |2c6727069                   |8d2a6fd79

--- Comment #19 from David Edmundson <> ---
Git commit 5e48a74d5f2b0cd271b4edc8308dabd8d2a6fd79 by David Edmundson.
Committed on 29/10/2020 at 15:24.
Pushed by davidedmundson into branch 'Plasma/5.20'.

Autodelete smapsRunnable

The runnable has an early return on error conditions. This means
finished() might never be called.

Now we've removed the accessor and provide the return value in the
signal we can just set autoDelete.

(cherry picked from commit ebcf87527c32db0b6685c63a450489d2c6727069)

M  +0    -2    processcore/processes_linux_p.cpp
M  +1    -1    processcore/read_procsmaps_runnable.cpp

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