--- Comment #9 from Dmitry Kazakov <> --- After my patches the following script works fine: =========================================================== from krita import * from PyQt5.Qt import * from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5.QtCore import ( QByteArray, QPoint ) from PyQt5.QtGui import ( QColor, QImage, QPixmap ) def buildQImage(color, w, h): """Generate a QImage to use for example""" img=QImage(w, h, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) img.fill(Qt.transparent) pxmTgt = QPixmap.fromImage(img) gradientb = QRadialGradient(QPointF(w/3, h/4), 2*w/3) gradientb.setColorAt(0, color) gradientb.setColorAt(1, gradientf = QRadialGradient(QPointF(w/3, h/4), 2*w/3) gradientf.setColorAt(0, Qt.white) gradientf.setColorAt(0.15, Qt.transparent) gradientf.setColorAt(1, Qt.transparent) canvas = QPainter() canvas.begin(pxmTgt) canvas.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) canvas.setPen(Qt.NoPen) canvas.setBrush(gradientb) canvas.drawEllipse(QRect(20,20,w-40, h-40)); canvas.setBrush(gradientf) canvas.drawEllipse(QRect(20,20,w-40, h-40)); canvas.end() return pxmTgt.toImage() def setLayerFromQImage(layerNode, image): """Set QImage as layer content""" position = QPoint(0, 0) ptr = image.bits() ptr.setsize(image.byteCount()) layerNode.setPixelData(QByteArray(ptr.asstring()), position.x(), position.y(), image.width(), image.height()) def sleep(value): """Do a sleep of `value` milliseconds""" loop = QEventLoop() QTimer.singleShot(value, loop.quit) loop.exec() dWidth=500 dHeight=500 # Cyan, Magenta, Yellow: colors used to generate layers colors=[QColor(0,255,255), QColor(255,0,255), QColor(255,255,0)] sleepValues=[0, 125] image=buildQImage(QColor(255,0,0), dWidth, dHeight) newDocument = Krita.instance().createDocument(dWidth, dHeight, "Test", "RGBA", "U8", "", 300.0) Krita.instance().activeWindow().addView(newDocument) parentGroupLayer = newDocument.createGroupLayer('Group layer') newDocument.rootNode().addChildNode(parentGroupLayer, None) for i in range(len(colors)): # loop over colors and apply basics actions like plugin Newspaper (and Channel2Layers) does newPLayer = newDocument.createNode(f"PaintLayer{i}", 'paintlayer') setLayerFromQImage(newPLayer, image) parentGroupLayer.addChildNode(newPLayer, None) infoObject = InfoObject(); infoObject.setProperty("color", colors[i]) selection = Selection();, 0, dWidth, dHeight, 255) newFLayer = newDocument.createFillLayer(f"Color{i}", "color", infoObject, selection) parentGroupLayer.addChildNode(newFLayer, newPLayer) # mandatory as when provided to createFillLayer(), infoObject is not applied # must also be applied after node has been added to parent... newFLayer.setGenerator("color", infoObject) newFLayer.setBlendingMode('add') newLayer = newFLayer.mergeDown() # returned layer from merge can't be used, so get the last one currentProcessedLayer = parentGroupLayer.childNodes()[-1] currentProcessedLayer.setBlendingMode('multiply') =========================================================== Though other methods of Python API still have the same problems -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.