Martin Sandsmark <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |hin/b1471bbd09d88da3ffe8159 |hin/bed16191b5e9253d8658c0d
                   |075b3108bf9586220           |ac0d336b3dab5e0e3

--- Comment #33 from Martin Sandsmark <> ---
Git commit bed16191b5e9253d8658c0dac0d336b3dab5e0e3 by Martin T. H. Sandsmark.
Committed on 21/05/2016 at 16:16.
Pushed by sandsmark into branch 'Applications/16.04'.

Fix crash when closing split view with ownCloud plugin loaded

KPluginLoader::instantiatePlugins() wraps QPluginLoader::instace(),
which doesn't return a new object for each call, so if we set the
KFileItemModelRolesUpdater instance as parent to the plugin the shared
instance will be deleted leading to crashes when other instances of
KFileItemModelRolesUpdater tries to use their plugin objects.

To fix this, set the QApplication as a parent.

REVIEW: 127930

M  +1    -1    src/kitemviews/kfileitemmodelrolesupdater.cpp

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