--- Comment #30 from Emmanuel Pescosta <> ---
(In reply to Martin Sandsmark from comment #24)
> the problem is that the owncloud plugin is destroyed (twice?) when the split
> is closed.
>             QString pluginName =
> QString::fromLocal8Bit(plugin->metaObject()->className()) + " " +
> plugin->objectName();
>             connect(plugin, &QObject::destroyed, [=](QObject *obj) {
>                 qWarning() << pluginName << obj << "destroyed";
>             });
> gives:
> "OwncloudDolphinPlugin " QObject(0x190a040) destroyed
> "OwncloudDolphinPlugin " QObject(0x190a040) destroyed

Thanks for debugging the problem! :)

This is a different bug, because I don't have anything Owcloud-related
installed on my system, but I can also trigger a crash when closing the split
view sometimes.

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