--- Comment #175 from Stanley Fertig <> ---
Hi Rob,

Thanks so much for this.

I’m attaching 4 screen shots of folders (labeled with numbers).

The first is from /usr/local/bin
The second is from /usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin
The 3rd is from /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin
The 4th is from /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/opt

I note I do see symlinks to python, python3, python3.7 and python3.8 in the
first, a simlink to python in the second, no links but a python folder in the
third (with a screenshot of the contents of that subfolder labeled 3.5), and
when I choose “Go To Folder…” for the fourth link, I just get a sysbeep and I
see the same folder as for the third link.

Note:  I have a Python3.8 folder in my Applications folder which contains the
items is screenshot #5.

Note 2:  if I substitute “3.8” for “3.7” in the 3rd & 4th links, I get what
appears to be the same folder as when I typed “3.7."

Don’t know if any of that is helpful, please let me know what else you want me
to test.

Many thanks again for your help and time,

> On Feb 9, 2020, at 12:04 PM, Rob <> wrote:
> --- Comment #174 from Rob <> ---
> I did some experiments last night with the issue you reported in a virtual
> machine with python3 installed in different ways to see why python3 sometimes
> is not working properly with to plate solve.  Another user, who
> also installed non-homebrew python3 has reported a similar issue in this 
> forum:
> , and we were trying to diagnose it there too.  In both cases, we did a number
> of experiments but couldn't find the problem.  I decided to try a different
> approach.  It was much easier for me to diagnose the issue in a virtual
> machine.  I will post what I found last night in both places.
> The problem:
> The issue happens when the user has installed non-homebrew python.  Python3 is
> installed properly, the site packages include astropy and numpy, it can find
> the site packages, the correct python3 is first in the PATH variable, KStars 
> is
> installed correctly, and NOTE this is not the "illegal argument exception"
> caused by running software compiled for a newer computer on an older 
> computer. 
> But when the plate solve is run, it gives an error message which means it 
> can't
> find astropy.  When run from the command line, it gives the same error!
> My finding:
> It seems to me that the issue is that the calls to python are
> making use the name python not python3 when the calls are made.  OS X has a
> python2.7 installed by default that is used by the system and should not be
> changed.  Python3 is installed in various ways and could be in different
> locations.  All the different python versions that I tested last night put a
> simlink in /usr/local/bin for python3 to redirect calls for python3 to 
> wherever
> python3 is installed.  There is not a simlink to python put in that location
> because the assumption is that if you call python, you want python2.7 to run
> the code and if you call python3, you want your self installed python to run
> it.  I ran into this issue before with the homebrew python, and it gave me big
> headaches before, but later I found that there was a folder homebrew made
> called /usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin where there actually was a simlink
> placed from python to the homebrew python3 and if I put that in the path, it
> automatically fixed the problem!  I had assumed that the  other versions of
> python would have a similar folder and you could just put them in the PATH
> variable and it would work.  I was surprised last night when I didn't find a
> python simlink in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin (or
> similar folder for other installation), nor did I find anything in
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/opt.  So thus even with that
> folder in the PATH, it still called the system python whenever python was
> called for.  
> Now that I think I know what the problem is, I should be able to come up with 
> a
> way to fix it for non homebrew pythons.  Just to verify, can you check for
> symlinks to python (not python3) in your /usr/local/bin folder, your
> /usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin folder, and in whichever python3 bin and opt
> folder you would currently like to use (for example:
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin and
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/opt). If none of those
> folders contain a file or simlink called python, I think we have found the
> python3 issue.
> -- 
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